
How To Wear Contact Lenses With Long Nails

Are you a woman who loves having long nails but hates the hassle of taking your contact lenses out every time you want to do your nails? Or maybe you’re just not sure how to wear contacts with long nails without ruining them or your lenses. Fear not, Here are some tips on how to wear contact lenses with long nails.


Prepare your nails

The first thing you need to do before putting on any kind of contact lenses with long nails is to make sure your hands and nails are clean. Wash your hands with soap and warm water. After they’re dry, apply a thin layer of rubbing alcohol to your fingertips. This will help disinfect the area around where you put the lenses.


Apply the contacts

Now that your hands and nails are clean, you’re ready to apply the lenses. This is a two-step process that requires some prep work. You can put in as many as one or two fingers per hand, though if you have smaller fingers you might want to use only one. The important thing here is to make sure that your contact lenses with long nails are clean and disinfected so you don’t irritate your eyes.

  • To begin, take out the lens from its case. You can use your fingers or tweezers for this, whichever you find more comfortable. Lay it down on a pad of cotton or clean tissue. Make sure that it’s facing down, not up.
  • Apply the first drop of lubricating solution to the pad of your index finger (or whichever you used for this step). Spread it around until your entire fingertip is wet, but don’t slide the lens around on your fingertip; simply place it on top.
  • Next, take out the second vial of lubricating solution, and place two drops on your fingertip. Spread this around using your fingertip until you have a thin film of solution over the entire lens surface. Slide the lens of your finger in one smooth motion onto your eye or in between your fingers. Place it gently in its proper place before closing your eye.

Practice Sanitary Habits:

Remember to always wash your hands with soap and warm water before putting in your contact lenses. If you forget, replace the lens back in its protective case immediately after use. Make sure that your nails are clean and free of any dirt or grease before applying contacts. Otherwise, you might get infected when inserting the lenses.


Remove the contacts

Once you’ve had the lenses in for as long as you want (within reason), it’s time to take them out and let your eyes breathe. To do this, pull down on the lower eyelid and look toward your nose. Gently grab the lens between your thumb and index finger, being careful not to touch the sides of the lenses. Wiggle it a little bit once you’ve got a firm hold on it, and pull it straight out. Don’t tilt your head back or try to grab the lens from any other angle, just keep your head level with your eyes looking downwards.


Wear gloves when removing contact lenses:

When removing your contact lenses, remember to wear gloves. If you don’t have any available, a clean tissue will do in a pinch. Tissues aren’t as sanitary as gloves, but it’s better than having no protection at all. You can put on a pair of gloves or grab a fresh tissue after you’ve finished taking out the lenses.

Scrub off any dirt on nails with a nail brush:

After you’re done taking out the lenses, wash your hands thoroughly. Be sure to scrub under all of your nails with a nail brush or other small-tipped brush so that any dirt or grime from your nails doesn’t get stuck under them as they grow. This will also help prevent any bacterial infections from developing. If you follow these steps, your nails won’t get in the way of properly inserting or removing your contact lenses. You’ll be able to enjoy clear vision all the time without having to worry about how it might affect long nails.


Clean contact lenses as directed by manufacturer’s instructions:

Some contact lenses require a cleaning solution to be applied directly to the hands before insertion. Other types of disposable contacts may not need this step as they are designed for one-time use only. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to keep your eyes healthy and free from infections or irritations that can occur when wearing dirty or improperly cleaned contacts. Always wash your hands and scrub under your nails with a nail brush or small-tipped brush before inserting contact lenses. Store contacts in a case that has been cleaned with an approved solution or gently wiped with alcohol before placing them back inside. It’s also advisable to not wear contacts for longer than the manufacturer recommends. Follow these steps to safely insert and remove contact lenses. These steps will also ensure that your nails don’t get in the way of clean contact lenses. Keep nails short, clean, and well-trimmed to prevent damage or irritation when inserting or removing contacts. If you need help with these instructions, talk to your eye doctor for advice on how best to keep your eyes healthy while wearing contacts.

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